考试代码:303 Python 考试大纲


ITS认证考试是分科目的,现在我们要看得就是Certiport给出的ITS考试代码:303 考试名称:Python的大纲,如果你通过了这科考试之后,将会获得Python的ITS证书


Operations using Data Types and Operators

  1. Evaluate expressions to identify the data types Python assigns to variables
    • str, int, float, and bool
  2. Perform data and data type operations
    • Data type conversion, indexing, slicing, construct data structures
  3. Determine the sequence of execution based on operator precedence
    • Assignment, comparison, logical, arithmetic, identity (is), containment (in)
  4. Select operators to achieve the intended results
    • Assignment, comparison, logical, arithmetic, identity (is), containment (in)

Flow Control with Decisions and Loops

  1. Construct and analyze code segments that use branching statements
    • if, elif, else, nested and compound conditional expressions
  2. Construct and analyze code segments that perform iteration
    • while, for, break, continue, pass, nested loops, loops that include compound conditional expressions

Input and Output Operations

  1. Construct and analyze code segments that perform file input and output operations
    • open, close, read, write, append, check existence, delete, with statement
  2. Construct and analyze code segments that perform console input and output operations
    • Read input from console, print formatted text (string.format() method, f-String method), use command-line arguments

Code Documentation and Structure

  1. Document code segments
    • Use indentation, white space, comments, and documentation strings; generate documentation by using pydoc
  2. Construct and analyze code segments that include function definitions
    • Call signatures, default values, return, def, pass

Troubleshooting and Error Handling

  1. Analyze, detect, and fix code segments that have errors
    • Syntax errors, logic errors, runtime errors
  2. Analyze and construct code segments that handle exceptions
    • try, except, else, finally, raise
  3. Perform unit testing
    • unittest, functions and methods

Operations using Modules and Tools

  1. Perform basic operations by using built-in modules
    • math, datetime, io, sys, os, os.path, random
  2. Solve complex computing problems by using built-in modules
    • math, datetime, random
