考试代码:306 HTML5 App Development 考试大纲


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本ITS考试的考生将展示他们使用 HTML5、CSS 和 JavaScript 构建响应式 Web 应用程序的能力,这些应用程序将在各种支持触摸的设备(包括 PC、平板电脑和手机)上运行。

Application Lifecycle Management

  1. Describe the application lifecycle management stages
    • Plan, design, develop, test, deploy, and maintain
  2. Debug and test web apps
    • Input validation errors, runtime errors, breakpoints

Graphics and Animation

  1. Use the canvas element to create graphics and animations
    • shape, color, line, translate/move, rotate, scale, interactivity
  2. Use the svg element to create and display graphics
    • Advantages, inline vs. referenced XML, shapes, color, SVG filter effects
  3. Transform, style, and enhance text and graphics
    • Graphics effects (rounded corners, shadows, transparency, background gradients, typography, and Web Open Font Format), 2-D and 3-D transformations (translate, scale, rotate, skew, and 3-D perspective transitions and animations), keyframes
  4. Apply CSS filters to images
    • grayscale, blur, sepia, opacity, drop-shadow, saturate


  1. Construct and analyze markup that uses form elements
    • datalist, fieldset, meter, legend, output
  2. Configure input validation
    • Validation attributes, pattern attribute for regular expressions, correct data type, length, required value


  1. Manage content layout, positioning, and flow by using CSS
    • Content flow (inline vs. block flow), positioning of individual elements (float vs. absolute positioning), content overflow (scrolling, visible, and hidden), basic CSS styling
  2. Construct layouts by using responsive design
    • grid view, background-size, images, picture, viewport, responsive width, media queries
  3. Construct flexible responsive layouts by using CSS flexbox
    • flex container (flex-direction, flex-flow, flex-wrap), flex items (flex-basis, flex-grow, flex-shrink, order, flex)
  4. Construct grid-based layouts by using CSS grid
    • container, items, templates, gap

JavaScript Coding

  1. Create and use custom classes
    • Instantiation, properties, methods, inheritance
  2. Perform data access by using JavaScript
    • Send and receive data, transmit and parse complex objects, load and save files, XML, JSON
  3. Construct code that responds to events by using event listeners and handlers
    • Gesture events, handling multiple events, Event object, bubbling vs. cascading
  4. Construct code that uses JavaScript APIs
    • Google Charts, jQuery, Geolocation
  5. Manage the state of an application
    • Session state vs. app state, where to store state (local vs. session storage)
